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Child helpline 116111


Dear child, adolescent, or adult!

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the new Child Helpline website. It is made with care and love just for you. We wish that the Child Helpline website could be a supportive companion for you in every moment of your life - both in joy and in despair. No situation you face today is so serious or insurmountable that you can't get out of it step by step. Help and support are always there for you - here on the website, but also just a phone call, email, or online chat away. 

Heart that says "We're here to help you!"

We hope that we can inspire you, encourage you to take care of yourself, and support you in more difficult times.

Know that you are wonderful, valuable, and unique - we believe in you and wish you to always feel good and cared for!

Both children and adults can find themselves in situations where personal experience is no longer enough to find a solution. Child Helpline is intended for children, young people, and adults to ask for advice, get help and report a child in need or in danger.


Child Helpline is available 24/7 throughout Estonia in case of child-related concerns. Calling 116 111 is free for the caller, and calls can be made even if there is no call time. Counselling is provided in Estonian, Russian, and English. Child Helpline can also be contacted via online chat from the same website or via email [email protected]. If desired, the person contacting the Child Helpline can remain anonymous. All calls are recorded. 

Our paramount priority is to extend immediate assistance to those in critical state or whose life is threatened. Should repetitive inquiries follow once the threat to life and health has been considered eliminated, it is the Department's discretion to warn and then to discontinue for following 24 hours of acceptance of calls emanating from such phone numbers. Calling from abroad +372 600 4434

How to find us?

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the new Child Helpline website. It is made with care and love just for you. We wish that the Child Helpline website could be a supportive companion for you in every moment of your life - both in joy and in despair.

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